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July 31

Greater Columbus. Greater ART celebrated the official launch of our Community Engagement on July 12th and 13th, hosting two vibrant public Town Halls.

June 30

Greater Columbus. Greater ART.” Initiative Announces Launch of Community Engagement Phase with In-Person Kickoff Event on July 12 at Columbus Metropolitan Library 

May 25

Greater Columbus Arts Council, City of Columbus and Franklin County Leaders Launch a Public Art Plan Initiative

Jon Ray/ FulRay Productions

JULY 31, 2023


Greater Columbus. Greater ART celebrated the official launch of our Community Engagement on July 12th and 13th, hosting two vibrant public Town Halls.


The in-person event took place on July 12th at the Columbus Metropolitan Main Library, bringing together 120 individuals to share their insights and opinions, followed by a virtual session the next day with roughly 35 participants.  


Each event kicked off with opening statements from the planning team, including Jami Goldstein, Vice President of Marketing, Communications & Events at GCAC, Marshall Shorts, Creative-n-Chief at Artfluential, and Holly Shen, Director at Lord Cultural Resources. 


After this brief introduction, Tyiesha Radford Shorts from Black Women Rise Poetry Collective mesmerized attendees with a powerful and evocative poem that literally and figuratively brought to life the influence and power of public art. 


The in-person Town Hall was energized with a collective conversation and lively breakout discussions facilitated by Kimberly Brazwell, CEO and founder of KiMISTRY, who posed thoughtful inquiries around various dimensions of public art, including: 


  • What does 'public' signify in public art? 

  • What roles does public art play during times of hurt and healing? 

  • What can you contribute to public art and what do you expect to receive from it? 


Participants enthusiastically shared their thoughts on notecards, which were collected for the team's analysis, with similar questions asked of the virtual attendees. Some of the insightful highlights are included below.


If you have insights or opinions about the future of public art in Greater Columbus, we invite you to participate in our digital survey, provide audio feedback, or join us at our upcoming Public Office Hours

JUNE 30, 2023


Greater Columbus. Greater ART.” Initiative Announces Launch of Community Engagement Phase with In-Person Kickoff Event on July 12 at Columbus Metropolitan Library 


Public involvement to feature series of events and new audio series 


COLUMBUS, Ohio — “Greater Columbus. Greater ART.” announces the beginning of the project’s public engagement period, which will launch with an in-person kickoff event on Wednesday, July 12 at Columbus Metropolitan Main Library from 6-8 p.m. 


Led by the Greater Columbus Arts Council (GCAC) and jointly funded by the City of Columbus and Franklin County, “Greater Columbus. Greater ART.” endeavors to create a roadmap for the future of public art in central Ohio. 


The July 12 town-hall style kickoff is open to all community members and is a dynamic opportunity for residents and community members to learn more about the process, ask questions and participate in a lively discussion about public art in central Ohio. A second and similarly styled kickoff event will be held in a virtual town hall format the following day, Thursday, July 13, from 1-2 p.m. on Zoom. Additional questions and discussion may be had during Virtual Office Hours on July 19 from 1-2 p.m. 


Upcoming Public Engagement Event Details 


In-Person Kickoff 
Wednesday, July 12, 6-8 p.m. 
Columbus Metropolitan Library, Main Branch 
96 S. Grant Ave. 


Join us to learn more about the planning process and participate in a dynamic conversation about the future of public art in Greater Columbus. Following an information and discussion session, attendees will be invited to mark the kickoff with an artistic presentation and light refreshments in Kaufman Plaza behind the Library. 



Virtual Kickoff 
Thursday, July 13, 1-2 p.m. EST  (will take place monthly) 

Virtual participants will learn more about the planning process and have the chance to share their thoughts on public art in Greater Columbus. 


Wednesday, July 19, 1-2 p.m. EST 




Approach to Public Engagement & Civic Dialogue 

Spanning roughly four months, the public engagement period will focus on creating awareness of the research and planning effort, fostering civic dialogue around perceptions and needs related to public art, and listening closely to the input of diverse stakeholders and community members to foreground the voices of all those who live, work, create, visit, play and learn in Columbus. The project team, led by Columbus-based creatives Marshall Shorts and Jonna Twigg, will draw upon a variety of approaches to collecting feedback that prioritize historically underserved constituencies to ensure equitable representation and robust findings. In addition to more traditional engagement methods such as key informant interviews and public town hall-style gatherings, the engagement phase will also feature: 


In-Person, Digital & Asynchronous Audio Field Research 

To supplement a needs assessment survey, which debuted at the Columbus Arts Festival, research teams will attend various community events and area commission meetings over the summer and into early fall to gather survey responses in-person, embracing a “meet them where they are” approach. The survey will be available via traditional paper and pencil, digitally through the project’s website, and in a new partnership with Orange Barrel Media, it will also be accessible on digital IKE kiosks throughout the city. “Greater Columbus. Greater ART.” will also introduce asynchronous audio surveying as an experimental approach that aims to add incredible texture to the data and amplify the responses of individual community members in a unique and inclusive way. At various community events over the summer and into fall, participants will have the opportunity to listen to the survey questions in various languages and respond by recording their answers as voice notes. 


The audio survey response gathering method ensures accessibility and inclusivity for participants who may have difficulty reading or writing, or who prefer to express themselves verbally. It also enables individuals to share their thoughts, opinions and experiences in their own voices, adding a personal and authentic dimension to the survey responses. Moreover, participants may complete the audio survey at their own pace and convenience with added flexibility to listen to the questions multiple times, reflect on their responses and record their answers when they feel ready to do so. 


The audio survey responses will help the project team capture the nuances, emotions and intonations of participants, providing a deeper understanding of their perspectives and experiences. This approach allows a more comprehensive and inclusive representation of the community’s feedback, ensuring that diverse perspectives are heard and valued. Ultimately, these valuable contributions will be considered alongside the paper and digital survey responses, enriching the overall data analysis and development of the public art plan. 


Take pART Podcast 

The project team will carefully analyze the audio survey responses collected via asynchronous audio, transcribing and extracting key themes and insights to be publicly shared through marketing and communication efforts and folded into a new podcast series called Take pART. This audio program will facilitate a public conversation amongst relevant stakeholders, including artists, arts organizations, city officials and citizens to discuss and shape the future of public art in the city. By highlighting the work of local artists, showcasing various public art installations and positioning them in dialogue with individual voices, Take pART seeks to inspire a deeper appreciation for public art and its potential to enrich the lives of our Columbus community members. The podcast will launch in late summer. 


Community Roundtables 

A series of eight collaborative and dynamic conversations with members of specific sectors and geographies will allow stakeholders to come together and engage in meaningful dialogue about public art, prioritizing the most relevant issues, opportunities and challenges that impact culture and public art in Columbus. Roundtables will take place roughly once a week from August to October. 


Virtual Office Hours 

Those seeking more information or updates on future public engagement events may sign up to attend virtual office hours hosted by Lord Cultural Resources, the global consulting firm providing support for this work, and held monthly on Wednesdays from 1-2 p.m. EST via Zoom. The first office hours session will take place Wednesday, July 19. 


Those seeking the survey or more information and updates on future public engagement events can find details on the website


“Greater Columbus. Greater ART.” is a year-long initiative to create a roadmap for the future of public art in central Ohio. With a joint investment made by the City of Columbus and Franklin County, the project is led by Greater Columbus Arts Council (GCAC) with support from Lord Cultural Resources, the global practice leader in cultural sector planning. This plan will create a blueprint for the next five to 10 years, strengthening the cultural infrastructure of greater Columbus by casting a bold vision to catalyze the creation of more public art alongside a strategy to facilitate its management and care. 


About GCAC

The Greater Columbus Arts Council’s mission is to support and advance the arts and cultural fabric of Columbus. GCAC funds artists and arts organizations in central Ohio, provides marketing services for artists and organizations through the event calendar, public art database and artist directory, and produces the annual Columbus Arts Festival.    


About Lord Cultural Resources

Lord Cultural Resources is the global practice leader in cultural sector planning. Since 1981, we have helped to create, plan, and operate cultural spaces and places in more than 460 cities, in 57 countries and six continents.

25 DE MAYO DE 2023


El Greater Columbus Arts Council, la ciudad de Columbus y los lĆ­deres del condado de Franklin lanzan una iniciativa de plan de arte pĆŗblico


ā€œGran ColĆ³n. Mayor ARTE.ā€ Iniciativa para lanzar en el Festival de las Artes de Columbus


25 de mayo de 2023, Columbus, Ohio -- El Greater Columbus Arts Council (GCAC) presenta ā€œGreater Columbus. Greater ART.ā€, una iniciativa de un aƱo para crear una hoja de ruta para el futuro del arte pĆŗblico en la regiĆ³n central de Ohio. Con fondos de la ciudad de Columbus, el condado de Franklin y GCAC, este serĆ” el primer plan integral de arte pĆŗblico para la ciudad y el condado. ColĆ³n es la Ćŗnica ciudad, de las 14 mĆ”s grandes del paĆ­s, sin un plan de arte pĆŗblico. 


ā€Gran ColĆ³n. Mayor ARTE.ā€ presentarĆ” un plan para los prĆ³ximos cinco a 10 aƱos para fortalecer la infraestructura cultural del Ć”rea metropolitana de Columbus al proyectar una visiĆ³n audaz para catalizar la creaciĆ³n de mĆ”s arte pĆŗblico. El plan servirĆ” como una herramienta para guiar a las comunidades en la planificaciĆ³n del arte pĆŗblico a corto y largo plazo, con Ć©nfasis en la distribuciĆ³n equitativa del arte en el Ć”mbito pĆŗblico y la representaciĆ³n diversa e inclusiva tanto de los artistas como de las comunidades a las que sirvenā€, dijo. Jami Goldstein, vicepresidente de marketing de GCAC y portavoz del proyecto. 


"Gran ColĆ³n. Gran ARTE". incluirĆ” un anĆ”lisis e inventario del arte pĆŗblico existente, aportes sĆ³lidos de las partes interesadas, investigaciĆ³n para identificar las necesidades actuales y previstas, tanto financieras como programĆ”ticas, y estrategias de implementaciĆ³n.


Los beneficios positivos del arte pĆŗblico son numerosos y estĆ”n bien investigados, incluida la mejora de los espacios pĆŗblicos compartidos, el embellecimiento y la revitalizaciĆ³n del entorno construido y la mejora de la calidad de vida de los residentes. Los programas de arte pĆŗblico municipal facilitan la cohesiĆ³n social y fomentan un sentido mĆ”s profundo de pertenencia y lugar al enfatizar el carĆ”cter Ćŗnico de las comunidades, brindando espacios seguros y acogedores para que las personas se reĆŗnan, interactĆŗen y creen experiencias compartidas. El arte pĆŗblico tambiĆ©n apoya las industrias creativas, asĆ­ como el turismo y otros, al servicio de los objetivos de desarrollo econĆ³mico mĆ”s amplios de la ciudad y el condado.


El proceso de planificaciĆ³n priorizarĆ” la participaciĆ³n mĆ”s amplia posible de las partes interesadas, los beneficiarios y el pĆŗblico del arte pĆŗblico, involucrando a quienes viven, trabajan, crean, visitan, juegan y aprenden en Columbus. Esto incluye, entre otros, artistas, trabajadores del arte, organizaciones artĆ­sticas, residentes, familias, estudiantes, investigadores, visitantes, turistas, educadores, defensores de la juventud, dueƱos de negocios, promotores inmobiliarios, funcionarios gubernamentales, organizaciones sin fines de lucro, organizaciones comunitarias, organizadores comunitarios y lĆ­deres de opiniĆ³n en todas las disciplinas. 


En reconocimiento del ambicioso objetivo de defender diversas y numerosas voces, en particular las de grupos histĆ³ricamente marginados, la campaƱa de participaciĆ³n pĆŗblica, ā€œTOMA PARTE: Greater Columbus. Greater ART.ā€, contarĆ” con una encuesta (que se lanzarĆ” el 5 de junio) para ayudar a medir las percepciones actuales y las necesidades del arte pĆŗblico, asĆ­ como reflexiones reflexivas: ĀæQuiĆ©n deberĆ­a poseer el arte pĆŗblico? ĀæA quiĆ©n beneficia? ĀæQuiĆ©n lo paga? ĀæQuĆ© significa para ti el arte pĆŗblico? La encuesta se promocionarĆ” y estarĆ” disponible durante el Festival de las Artes de Columbus, del 9 al 11 de junio, un punto culminante cultural de la regiĆ³n que atrae a casi 500.000 asistentes  anualmente. La encuesta permanecerĆ” abierta a travĆ©s de la pĆ”gina durante un mĆ­nimo de cuatro meses para garantizar la representaciĆ³n mĆ”s amplia posible. AdemĆ”s, GCAC se enorgullece de anunciar una asociaciĆ³n con Orange Barrel Media para promover la encuesta a travĆ©s de quioscos digitales IKE en toda la ciudad. TambiĆ©n se organizarĆ”n eventos comunitarios como cabildos, talleres y actividades sectoriales y presencia en las actividades culturales existentes para conectar con el pĆŗblico y las partes interesadas en persona. 


GCAC, una organizaciĆ³n dedicada a administrar los fondos pĆŗblicos de Columbus para las artes durante 50 aƱos, liderarĆ” ā€œGreater Columbus. Mayor ARTE.ā€ en cooperaciĆ³n con la ciudad de Columbus, el condado de Franklin y la ComisiĆ³n de Arte de Columbus y con el apoyo de la consultorĆ­a profesional Lord Cultural Resources y los profesionales culturales de Columbus Jonna Twigg y Marshall Shorts. Un ComitĆ© Directivo compuesto por representantes de grupos de partes interesadas locales brindarĆ” supervisiĆ³n y responsabilidad adicionales para el proceso de planificaciĆ³n para garantizar que los productos clave del plan den prioridad a la equidad y el acceso, tanto en tĆ©rminos de artistas como de consumidores culturales. GCAC y sus colaboradores presentarĆ”n el Plan de Arte PĆŗblico de Greater Columbus final en el verano de 2024, que marcarĆ” una nueva era de avance para el arte pĆŗblico en la regiĆ³n.


ā€œNo hay lugar como ColĆ³n. Esta regiĆ³n es una campeona de programas creativos y culturales, artistas y comunidades diversos y una expresiĆ³n creativa vĆ­vida. GCAC estĆ” emocionado por la oportunidad de administrar un nuevo modelo de servicio para mejorar el Ć”mbito pĆŗblico a travĆ©s de las artes. Felicitamos el liderazgo de la Alcaldesa Ginther, el Concejo Municipal de Columbus y los Comisionados del Condado de Franklin, cuya defensa y alianza conjunta han hecho posible este esfuerzo. Esta inversiĆ³n es a la vez transformadora y profĆ©tica, y responde a la necesidad de que el entorno construido facilite una pertenencia mĆ”s profunda y actĆŗe como una plataforma para el intercambio y el diĆ”logo humanos", dijo Goldstein. "Estamos comprometidos con el desarrollo de estrategias equitativas que consideren los amplios impactos en la comunidad. del arte pĆŗblico, asĆ­ como servir a los artistas y a la comunidad en general.  Alentamos a todos a participar y ayudar a dar forma al futuro del arte pĆŗblico en nuestros vecindarios y nuestra comunidad".


El sitio web es el principal centro de informaciĆ³n y actualizaciones sobre ā€œGreater Columbus. Mayor ARTE.ā€ Incluye informaciĆ³n y recursos bĆ”sicos para las partes interesadas y el pĆŗblico en general sobre cĆ³mo participar en el proceso. Los prĆ³ximos eventos se agregarĆ”n a un calendario de eventos en las prĆ³ximas semanas.



Gran ColĆ³n. ARTE mayor. ComitĆ© Directivo


  • Irene Alvarez, Liderazgo & Consultor de negocios y ex director de operaciones de Columbus Partnership 

  • Michael Bongiorno, miembro de la junta de GCAC, arquitecto y director general/director de diseƱo, AECOM 

  • Randy Borntrager, Subdirector, Departamento de Servicio PĆŗblico, Ciudad de Columbus

  • Adam Brouillette, director, Blockfort Studios y artista

  • Curtis Brown, Administrador de Asociaciones Comunitarias, Oficina de Presupuesto & AdministraciĆ³n, Junta de Comisionados del Condado de Franklin  

  • Greg Corbin, consultor de liderazgo artĆ­stico, poeta, educador, exejecutivo sin fines de lucro

  • Melanie Corn, presidenta, Columbus College of Art & DiseƱo 

  • Jeff Edwards, propietario & Fundador, Empresas Edwards

  • Stanley Gates, Director de ParticipaciĆ³n Comunitaria, Ayuntamiento de Columbus

  • David Guion, Director Ejecutivo, Consejo de las Artes de DublĆ­n

  • Betty Hill, Supervisora de Artes & EducaciĆ³n FĆ­sica, Escuelas de la Ciudad de Columbus

  • Lisa McLymont, comisionada de arte y artista de Columbus, diseƱadora grĆ”fica & Defensor de la justicia social

  • Bernita Reese, Directora, Columbus Recreation & Parques 

  • Brian Suiter, director, RiverWest Partners 

  • Amy Taylor, presidenta, CorporaciĆ³n de Desarrollo del Centro de Columbus

  • Shelbi Toone, directora de proyectos, Poindexter Village Museum & Centro Cultural y Artista 

  • Merijn Vanderheijden, Comisionado de Arte de Columbus y Director, Urban Arts Space y Hopkins Hall Gallery, Universidad Estatal de Ohio


Acerca de GCAC

La misiĆ³n del Greater Columbus Arts Council es apoyar y promover el tejido artĆ­stico y cultural de Columbus. GCAC financia a artistas y organizaciones artĆ­sticas en el centro de Ohio, proporciona servicios de marketing para artistas y organizaciones a travĆ©s de Calendario de eventos de, base de datos de arte pĆŗblico y directorio de artistas, y produce el Festival anual de las Artes de    


Acerca de los Recursos Culturales de Lord

Lord Cultural Resources es el lĆ­der mundial en la prĆ”ctica de la planificaciĆ³n del sector cultural. Desde 1981, hemos ayudado a crear, planificar y operar espacios y lugares culturales en mĆ”s de 460 ciudades, en 57 paĆ­ses y seis

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